Ernesto's Grammophon- und Rundfunk Museum

The Prättigau region's very own museum of audio-visual nostalgia

Ernesto’s Gramophone and Radio Museum in Serneus documents the history of audio-visual entertainment from the phonograph to the MP3 player, with exhibits that recount the technical development of television, radio and other related media. The collection includes television sets, various radios dating from the second decade of the last century onwards, and numerous examples of gramophones, phonographs and portable radio sets, plus a 1950s-vintage Tefifon reel-to-reel tape recorder. The museum even has its own multi-broadcast transmitter. All the museum’s exhibits are in full working order, and some of them are used, in the course of guided tours, to show films or programmes from the corresponding period. The museum was founded by Ernst Moretti, an electrical engineer. The museum, which he runs with the assistance of Megi Moretti and Sandro Tarnutzer, is based on a collection that he started accumulating in his childhood. The museum displays over 600 appliances, including televisions, a bar cabinet with a built in television as well as a radio cabinet and numerous radios from the 20th century, gramophones and phonographs, portable radios, Tefifon radios, a multi-transmitter system, video disc players and all video systems plus wire recorders. The still-functioning appliances (which are also used for demonstration during guided tours) are exhibited in an extension in Serneus that was built for the collection.

3 Treffer

Ernestos Grammophon- und Rundfunkmuseum Klosters-Serneus

Pagrüegerweg 34

7249 Serneus

Tel. +41 (0)79 611 32 12

For the latest information on opening hours, admission prices and guided tours, visit the institution's website.

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