Frauenkulturarchiv Graubünden

The collective memory of women in Graubünden

The Womens’ Cultural Archive collects and researches written, graphic and sound documents about women and the history of the gender in Graubünden. The archiving work is expanded by its own research projects. Thus the Womens’ Cultural Archive also assembles important documents, for example by carrying out surveys with elderly people about earlier living conditions. Social questions concerning the present are discussed in lectures and publications. In addition to that, the Women’s Cultural Archive offers consultation in the areas of archive and information. For its respective activities, the Women’s Cultural Archive disposes of a library with over 1,000 books, as well as a large archive which includes the written material and documents of various association and institutions, as well as numerous biographical portraits. The Women’s Cultural Archive possesses many archives from women’s associations, political parties, private individuals and also cultural institutions. In addition to that, the Women’s Cultural Archive has a biographical archive featuring numerous portraits about women in Graubünden. The contents of the archive are continuously updated and the Women’s’ Cultural Archive also has a library and a research facility.

3 Treffer

Frauenkulturarchiv Graubünden Chur

Goldgasse 10

7000 Chur

Tel. +41 (0)81 250 04 60

Access to the database:änden-a-z/

For the latest information on opening hours and guided tours, visit the institution's website.

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