Museum Alpin

The museum of the Graubünden mountain world

The Graubünden mountain world has found its multifaceted exhibition site in this museum, which is an Engadine house from the early 18th century: The fauna, flora and geology of the Graubünden mountain world are presented as is the Alpine culture, alpinism and tourism. The museum was founded upon the initiative of the Pontresina Mountain Guide Association and a main point is the communication of the history of alpinism. Upon display are models and equipment from SAC huts (Swiss Alpine Club) and the museum also houses an SAC library. In the natural history section, the Alpine Museum shows a collection of minerals and birds (with an archive of birdsong). Single aspects of life in the Alpine region are presented in special exhibitions that change annually. Among the natural history and Alpine history collection at the Alpine Museum in Pontresina, there are several rarities such as equipment from Alpine huts and an audio birdsong archive. In terms of its actual collection and communication technology, the museum benefits from the experience of the Pontresina Mountain Guide Association. Communication is made using multimedia shows.

3 Treffer

Museum Alpin Pontresina

Via Maistra 199

7504 Pontresina

Tel. +41 (0)81 838 83 49

For the latest information on opening hours, admission prices and guided tours, visit the institution's website.

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