An Everyday Picture with Rarity Value – Bruno Giacometti in a 1912 Photograph

A child in military uniform, holding a flag in one hand and a toy gun in the other. Such photographs are a common sight in old family albums. However, one example preserved in the Centro Giacometti in Stampa is particularly rare: a 1912 photograph of a young Bruno Giacometti dressed in the uniform of a Swiss Artillery colonel.

The uniform was a gift from Ferdinand Hodler, one of Switzerland’s most renowned artists of the time. By 1911, Hodler’s work The Woodcutter graced the 50-franc note, while The Mower adorned the 100-franc note. Hodler was also a familiar figure in Stampa: the great artist was a friend of Bruno's father, Giovanni Giacometti – and Bruno Giacometti's godfather.

Bruno Giacometti (1907-2012) may have been born into an illustrious artistic family. Yet, he chose a different path, seeking to do something “useful” with his life. He became an architect, designing notable buildings such as the Bündner Naturmuseum (Graubünden’s Natural History Museum) in Chur. Nevertheless, he maintained close ties to the art world, particularly by managing the artistic legacies of his father, Giovanni Giacometti (1868–1933), and his brother, Alberto Giacometti (1901–1966).

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