Contact and Impressum

Contact and Editorial Team

Amt für Kultur Graubünden

Gürtelstrasse 89

7000 Chur

Idea and Project Management

Concept and overall management: Barbara Gabrielli, Mag. phil, EMBE HSG, Head of the Amt für Kultur Graubünden (2009 - July 2024)

Co-project management: Sarah Amsler and Maria Solovey, Amt für Kultur Graubünden

Technology and Hosting

histify ag (


Digitalbüro GmbH (

zanoni.kommunikation (

Legal Notices

Liability for Content

By accessing the individual pages of the Porta Cultura, all users accept the following terms. You undertake to respect the copyright and related protective rights (such as protection of personality and data protection) of the information featured on the Porta Cultura cultural portal.

The information about the institutions, published collection data, and additional information as well as the digitized materials (images, documents, videos, audios, 3D models) are based on the information provided by the data suppliers and are created by the specified institutions. The supplied data is processed and standardised by the Amt für Kultur Graubünden, including the enrichment of the metadata through vocabularies and standard data as well as the addition of mandatory metadata for the cultural portal. The Amt für Kultur Graubünden endeavours to ensure that the information presented is accurate and up to date. However, no guarantee can be given regarding the correctness, accuracy, currentness, reliability and completeness of this published information.

The Amt für Kultur Graubünden as the operator of the Porta Cultura has no obligation to monitor the information presented or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. As soon as the Amt für Kultur Graubünden becomes aware of such infringements, the content will be removed immediately.

Liability claims against the cantonal authorities relating to damages of a material or non-material kind, which were caused by access to, usage or non-usage of the information presented, misuse of the connection or technical issues are precluded. The Amt für Kultur does also not accept any liability for or guarantee the permanent availability of the website, and is also excluded from liability for damages (for example connection interruptions, viruses) that may arise from the use of the Porta Cultura.

The Amt für Kultur Graubünden expressly reserves the right to modify, change, delete or temporarily not publish content at any time without prior notice.

Liability for Links

The information featured on the Porta Cultura contains links to third-party websites over whose content the Amt für Kultur Graubünden has no influence and which are outside its area of responsibility. The content of a site to which a link is provided is always the responsibility of the respective provider/operator of the site. The Amt für Kultur Graubünden therefore expressly does not identify itself with the content of the linked sites and adopt external content as its own. Access to and use of such websites is at the risk of the user.

If the Amt für Kultur Graubünden becomes aware of or is informed by third parties that external content to which it refers via a link gives rise to civil or criminal liability, it will immediately remove the link to this site.

Copyright Notices

The layout of the website, the graphics used as well as all information and images on the Porta Cultura website are protected by copyright. The layout of the website is subject to the copyright ownership of the Digitalbüro GmbH and the Amt für Kultur Graubünden. All graphics are designed by Edgar Zanoni (zanoni.kommunikation) and are subject to the copyright ownership of the Amt für Kultur Graubünden. For the most part, the texts are written by Thomas Kaiser ( and the Amt für Kultur Graubünden’s staff and are subject to the copyright ownership of the Amt. Details about the copyrights and the photographers of the images on the website, can be viewed here (text and picture credits). Permission by the copyright holder is required for the reuse of any copyrighted material.

The descriptions of the content in the database are in the public domain, unless otherwise stated. Individual copyrights of the digital copies or versions in the database are indicated next to the respective digital copies/versions.

Compliance with copyright law is required.

Porta Cultura uses data from the database GeoNames. These are subject to the Creative Commons Licence CC BY. The data used from the authority file database GND, Gemeinsame Normdatei [=common authority file] (Explorer:, are in the public domain.

Porta Cultura also displays events that it obtains from Guidle. All images featured there are protected by copyright and may not be used without the permission of the copyright holder.

The data about field names from the platform and database are subject to the CC BY SA Licence.

Downloading or copying content or digital copies/versions does not confer any further rights. Any use beyond these exceptions to protection (Art. 19 and 20) requires the express permission of the copyright holder, unless such permission is explicitly granted in an appropriate place. If appropriate, permission is to be obtained from the depicted individuals as well.

The Amt für Kultur Graubünden endeavours to make the contents of the Porta Cultura available under licence conditions that are as open as possible.

All trademarks and brand names mentioned on the Porta Cultura, some of which are protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners.

The Amt für Kultur Graubünden permits and welcomes quotations of the Porta Cultura’s contents as well as links to the Porta Cultura.

Use of Social Media

Some of the data items can be displayed on social media via the Porta Cultura’s “Share” feature. The Amt für Kultur Graubünden is not responsible for content published by third parties on social media channels. To the extent permitted by law, the Amt für Kultur Graubünden disclaims any liability for damage arising from or in connection with the authorised or unauthorised use of social media channels.

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