500 Years of the Free State of the Three Leagues

What is known as the canton of Graubünden today, is a complex entity in the late Middle Ages: in some areas, noble territorial rulers have the say, and in others, clerics; feuds are frequent. Resistance to this situation is growing on the part of the increasingly powerful communities: three alliances are formed to secure peace and security. On 23 September 1524, these three alliances (the Grey League, the League of the House of God and the League of the Ten Jurisdictions) unite to form an independent political entity. What happened back then was of momentous significance – and still has an impact on the lives of all the people living in Graubünden today. All the more reason for taking a closer look, re-examining – and celebrating.

A warm welcome to the commemoration of "500 years of the Free State of the Three Leagues"!

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