Heavily Fortified and Yet Easily Accessible: Neu-Aspermont Castle

House plans typically include ground-level entrances, but Neu-Aspermont Castle defies this norm. Built in the early 13th century, this massive four-story tower, perched high above the village of Jenins, was accessible only via an elevated entrance on the fourth floor.

The reason is straightforward: the tower was designed for defence. Over time, its fortifications were further reinforced. The tower was raised several times, and two wings were added to the structure. The second wing features walls up to 2.5 meters thick, underscoring its defensive purpose.

Despite its robust construction, the former seat of the Lords of Aspermont eventually fell into disrepair and was abandoned by the late 17th century. Recently, however, Graubünden's Archaeological Services undertook efforts to study and preserve the castle. Today, delicate staircases wind gracefully through the ruins, offering both access and a journey through its history.

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